jonathan goldstein jackie cohenwho does simon callow play in harry potter

It was a look of profound pity. They'll give whatever they always give in any restaurant like this to any server. I'm Ira Glass. He is a director and writer, known for Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017), Horrible Bosses (2011) and Game Night (2018). Look, Jon, I'm not a sociologist. That was true of the regulars who she was aloof to. Well, some people like to be abused. If I could go back in time and tell the young Jonathan Goldstein that one day he would be friends with the most popular girl at Western Laval Junior High, that young Jonathan Goldstein, taking in the utter absurdity of such a proposition, would laugh convulsively until his nose produced mucus and his eyeglasses needed adjusting. I helped them figure out what food they wanted. Narcissistic wound-- $75,000. pains and memories. smoke cigars, bicker, grouse, and, prodded by Goldstein (Sheldon: He Basically, a Bible that readers can finally, genuinely relate to. "Jackie Cohen," I will say, shaking my head in disbelief. She acts like she's the boss of people. purpose.. shouting out Brooklyn tenement windows. Theyve barely spoken in You know you're garbage. OK? Being aloof is a little more effort for her. Jonathan Goldstein, MD is a maternal-fetal medicine specialist in Brightwaters, NY. Let me ask you this. He's holding out so I'll come running back and throw my money at him. And this time, Amy says, her attitude was different. The lion could care less. Be-Bop-a-Lula.) Just being able to look at everything through this A flurry of demands that can't be met? Act Three, And What's Going On With You? elaborate. Very good hair. WebJonathan W. Goldstein, M.D. And as I talked with her, Maureen acknowledged that she'd been mean in high school. So just so you know, it's a little bit on the sweet side. And I got another voiceover gig. [15], In September 2007, WireTap producer Mira Burt-Wintonick released "Superstar of the Netherlands", a short film featuring Goldstein and WireTap regular Gregor Ehrlich, on YouTube. He tipped 20%. enjoy its absurdity together. Well, first of all, she always walked around with a comb in her back pocket that stuck out for all to see. meddling therapist. Jackie Cohen would call it being honest. The feathers would all fall beautifully in place. First time, when they place their order, she always tells them what a very fine choice they made, and then she smiles. things we talk about in therapy or when confronting the heaviness of the They were great. By the end of the first night, it seemed pretty clear. I was in the same school as them, evidently completely unnoticed, for three years. That time came over Up until a year ago, they were roommates. microphone is a safety net, he told me. This American Life is produced in collaboration with WBEZ Chicago and delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange. No parent in his right mind asks his child to reimburse him for that child's life. Though it pains me to do so, I must add that my father's gold Star of David had loosed itself from the mid-interior of his shirt to glint conspicuously in the afternoon light, the sight of which, given my father's unabashed haggling, caused a chord of shame to vibrate inside me. This episode was produced by supervising producer Stevie Lane, and Mohini Madgavkar. You've worn pants too many days in a row. But Robert loosened his necktie like a middle-aged ad exec who had just closed an important account. I was so nice to them. Yeah. And we'd go to the bathroom-- a big part of the day, of course, was going to the bathroom. And second of all-- dirty. I know you have sort of a problem being discreet. And she had a special technique. Katz, Professional I suspected my father might brood about our day at the dealership, but I wasn't prepared for the extremity of his reaction, if in fact the bill was a reaction. could be both funny and thematic, like Mork talking to And I can't tell you about the details of the deal, but if you could just do me a huge, huge favor and just don't mention it to anyone? She's in my grade. Phone+1 646-714-6053. No, I'm listening. WebTwenty years later, John sets off to find Nick and revisit the day that changed the course of both their lives.CreditsHeavyweight is hosted and produced by Jonathan Goldstein.This Jonathan Goldstein (born August 22, 1969) is an American-Canadian author, humorist and radio producer. OK, table five you were sucking up to like I've never seen. I'm never going with you. Seeing me, she gave me this look-- not the withering look I'd grown accustomed to, but another look, a look then until then I'd only seen on the face of adults. It was true of the man who Callie doted on who was taking his grown daughter out to dinner. Sometimes she'll be being mean to my sister. And the more I talked to Callie and Troy and Amy and the rest of the staff, the more everyone agreed. And then there was the guy sitting at the bar alone, noticeably good-looking, reading the New York Times. in the head with a brick. [11], In May 2014, Goldstein played an "expert witness" in humorist John Hodgman's comedy/court show podcast Judge John Hodgman. As far as I was concerned, getting gypped out of a few bucks was simply a built-in fee for avoiding confrontations with strangers. The majority of their customers are just set in their ways. He spun on his heel and walked toward the glass door that led to the lot. Typed on his law firm's onion-skin stationery, the bill itemized the money he'd spent on me over my lifetime. Our show today in four acts. Because if you're nice and enjoying yourself, they don't need to make you feel any better. But what happens in this part of the story takes place well before that. See if I pay. But mostly, he wants his CDs back. Our Credits Heavyweight is hosted and produced by Jonathan Goldstein, along with Wendy Dorr, Chris Neary, and Kalila Holt. Editing by Alex Blumberg & Peter Clowney. You know, when you and Carl were going out, I never really understood why you liked him. The resolution is as satisfying, provocative, Education The showroom felt bracingly cool after the heat of West Covina. We can actually quantify exactly how much niceness was costing Amy. Except Sundays. The car sputtered as I shifted into park and the sagging tailpipe, which I'd had to bind to the cars undercarriage with electrical tape, coughed a cloud of noxious exhaust. I just call it in. [9], He hosted the CBC summer radio program Road Dot Trip[4] in 2000 and has contributed to shows like Dispatches and Outfront. WebDr. By signing up, you agree to our User Agreement and Privacy Policy & Cookie Statement. But you should try it. I think it was a bit of both. "I made great tips. Last week, I talked to Goldstein at a caf of sorts inside a deli near In February 2008, Goldstein debuted the internet project CBC Web 3.0 which features the short "The Future is Yesterday", a comedic take on the impersonal nature of the Internet. Goldstein has resided in Montreal, Chicago, and New York City. Goldstein was in a relationship with the author Heather O'Neill that ended in 2007. An example from Mike Albo's short story, "The Underminer." It's This American Life. Jackie Cohen. Jonathan Goldstein, family killed in Swiss Alps plane crash Niceness might not help your career in the NFL, or on the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange, or in any super-competitive line of work. No, you see, you wouldn't have even been that polite. You're here early. Oh, you know that children's book I wrote really fast for no reason? That is the effect of a popular mean girl's laughter. I'd have my car before I knew it. 20 years have passed since I opened that bill, and for most of those years, I've taken it for granted that at some point during our afternoon in West Covina, my father had given the dealer his telephone. "It's not about the $200," shouted my father. continuing to the next episode, so that I could keep thinking about I mean, sure, she's always eager to let me know when someone in the room smells better than me, and she's quick to point out that my pasty white gut jingles when I play air guitar. Sabine Small, wonderful food that is also very cheap. You're right? So what's up with you? From WBEZ Chicago, it's This American Life distributed by Public Radio International. His sensibility seems to The name Heavyweight, Goldstein told me, is I think generally if you're not chatty and overly nice, you'll still get the same tip. OK, first of all-- the new kid. I'm like, geez, this--. Or perhaps I was just seeing him as my father might-- slippery, unctuous, not to be trusted. That's my theory, is if they already think you're having a good time, why are they going to tip you for having fun? WebIt wasn't hard for Jonathan Goldstein to find the girl who terrorized him in high school. What an expensive life I'd lived. You want something fuller? I've noticed a lot of people just look at the first two numbers in the check and double it, or round down. Stocky and balding, in a state of continual agitation, my father was also capable of a tenderness that seem to light him from within and that stirred me like daybreak stirs a bird. WebP: +1.212.408.2524. Goldstein reconnects with his first girlfriend, whod broken his young Heavyweight is hosted and produced by Jonathan Goldstein. In the moment, it felt like a good The second waitress, Callie Roach, was 23 with super-short hair. I don't know. He pointed a stubby finger at his chest. And I don't like that. It was high school and that's just how people acted. Act One, Return to the Scene of the Crime. So if someone's smell was not to her taste, she would leave a note on their desk. Obviously it works. becoming a zillionaire who seems to forget that you exist. Wed had a great It was humiliating to be seen inside the car, especially in Los Angeles. This boy in my class, he liked me, and every time he would come by me, I would tell him to get out of my way. Heavyweight does well, but the other episodes are often just as In Lillie's class, the girls like that-- the popular ones-- had been her best friends. Since, of course, these damages were psychological in nature, it was both difficult and whimsical to assign them a monetary value. [20], Goldstein was in a relationship with the author Heather O'Neill that ended in 2007. Me she sees like an unwelcome dog turd that somebody's tracked in from outside. Like, I think Josh loves the fact that I pay that kind of attention to him. I worked with her Friday night, and she was almost in tears, because the tips for the last week have been horrible, horrible, horrible. Chronic insecurity-- $90,000. She's actually a doctor who works with the homeless. She let me know this by whipping her head around, her straight brown hair lashing about like a thousand throwing stars, and witheringly looking me straight in the eye. One of the rear windows no longer rolled up, the pane trapped within the door. I then asked her to repeat the very line to me, right to my face. ", "I can't afford a new car," I told him. And she's just totally beaming, really happy. It's a normal body. His wife, a saxophonist who performed under the name Hannah Marcinowicz, had worked with the London Symphony Orchestra and Philharmonia Orchestra. Have fun. We're here, just two friends chatting. Let me explain to you the power that was Jackie Cohen's. Here's Troy. She was looking directly at me and she was pointing at me with her index finger. I meant toward Gimlet, toward the subway. I saw in that look a sorrow for everything she had ever put me through, and for years I held that look close to my heart. Aloofness pays. Well, my sister definitely taught me some of the tricks of the trade by being very, very, very cruel with me, very bossy, very demanding. I just realized there's a little bit more to life. We were going to be "hi, bye" friends. [8] He talked about this time on the This American Life program 'Plan B'. ponytail and took it all in. At the office, solving a mystery: Jorge The setup, Goldstein tracking down the actor who accidentally looks into the camera in the one-take film Russian Ark, pits Goldsteins search for answers and They're efficient. Once they give in, they make quick progress. You know I mean? moment, Because its really about the pastIm going to get trippy So when she says that there are some people who crave to be abused, you would be one of those people. Did you bring it? I've got to tell you, it was a little intimidating. Jonathan Goldstein is stepping down as Jewish Leadership Council chair after four and a half years. Follow Share Episodes 3 Related Followers 5 Apple Podcasts RSS Website Spotify Latest Earliest Goldstein has worked on radio programs and podcasts such as Heavyweight, This American Life, and WireTap. What was Jackie Cohen's allure? It's such a fixture of childhood, you can just walk up to a kid on the sidewalk or at a public pool, and they'll tell you. a megastar. conversation and watched the boisterous kids come in, get cheerfully Is this information wrong? My excitement was indistinguishable from panic. Gregor is bitter: he never heard from Moby again, he says, My father shot me a sidelong glance, as if to say, watch and learn. And what was it like, being one of those girls? past. and I spend the afternoon snacking on honeydew slices and sifting Is it different? Did you change your hair, he said. You have nothing to lose, so why don't you go ahead and be mean to everybody that's not as good as you? Still, if a new car required me to be embarrassed by his aggression, bring on the blushing. said. So let's see what kind of deal you can give me. And then you get the hell out, while I pick up my children whom I got from having sex with my dentist husband in my big [BEEP] house. Now get the [BEEP] out, garbage. Her arms were bare so you could see her tattoos. said, but youre kind of looking outside. When he was a teen-ager, he But before I tell you what it is, Mr. Cooper, I want you to promise that you won't say a word to my boss. [16] In February 2008, Goldstein debuted the internet project CBC Web 3.0 which features the short "The Future is Yesterday", a comedic take on the impersonal nature of the Internet. I knew that. But the biggest revelation of the night came when Troy retrieved the check from that guy who was sitting at the bar. [11], In 2002, Goldstein returned to Montreal and started work on several projects for CBC Radio One. How humiliated he must've been to know that I awaited his call. And this isn't just about teenage girls. and he wants his CDs back. playing with his son at the playground, happily singing The Itsy-Bitsy I just want some of that good, good blood, even if it's my own blood. We followed him outside to a veritable poppy fields of new Corollas, till we reached a red two-door that John claimed was the least expensive automobile on the lot. "John," said my father, reading the salesman's name tag. Fax+1 212-249-9185. No, but I think you do. Its like youre able to turn schoolkids bustled around, yelling and buying candy. It's normal. You're more-- you're more-- I don't know what you are. One day passed. Brooklyn street corner in 1999, begins as a kind of sidewalk Griffin She's always telling somebody what they can and can't do. As the first terrible bites sink into his legs and stomach, does the zebra look into the lion's eyes as though to say, why are you doing this to me, friend? There's Moroccan couscous, there's vegetarian sushi, there are lots of carefully made sandwiches, and then there's this whole menu of higher-end specials every day, so it's possible to drop $20 on a grilled sea bass or organically raised lamb. And so when we all got in this fight, they called me up and they put the mean one on the phone. They look at you and they know. A complete fabrication, as far as I knew. Larry Zippin. I mean, with you-- she thinks of you as a harmless eccentric, you know, like a 90-year-old English guy puttering about in his garden. "This is the cheapest?" When idling at a stop light beside a purring sports car with rear stabilizers, anodized hubcaps, and a leather interior, I had to force myself to remember that an automobile does not a man make, and that I was a writer who placed a higher value on words than on material possessions, which is to say that I cultivated a hollow sense of superiority around new cars. "I guess you didn't hear me," said my father. I remember being impressed by the amount. All right? OK. For the first time in their years of waitressing, because of these discussions in the last two weeks, they have both stopped knocking themselves out running around for their most demanding tables. asks the weirdest questions. And we trudged across the lot toward his Caddy. Look at this. Is the sky that unleashes a bolt of lightning into the forehead of a friendly woodsman mean? My father sauntered toward the Fiat as I got out, peeking through the perpetually open window despite my attempt to block his view. Good luck. Look at-- can you believe that? This is the Bible populated by angry loners, hypochondriacs, and reluctant prophets who fear for their sanity. That's in a minute from Chicago Public Radio and Public Radio International, when our program continues. You know what I mean? This song is from the band's album, Step Into the Stars. I'm just going to serve them and walk away. humiliating yourself, but for the first time youre doing that with a Join Jonathan Goldstein for road trips, thorny reunions, and difficult conversations as he backpedals his way into the past like a therapist with a time machine. "I'm going to make this painless," said the salesman. And then it would fall. Oh my God, do you have my scarf? And she was very attentive. On Sunday, Amy worked again. At the fountain, just as I was about to drink, my knees buckled and I began to throw up. Goldstein is a member of the Public Radio Exchange editorial board. I can't believe this. Period. Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors. meant to suggest the emotional burdens that we carry around, as well as And Jackie said, no, don't go talk to him. I'm going to scratch my commission on this. It's just sort of locked in. [5] Goldstein attended McGill University[6] and later completed a master's program in creative writing at Concordia University. So I decided to confront these slanderous accusations at their source. They already think you're having a good time. Stay with us. "Mr. Cooper," said the salesman. Feel the way that laugh shivers you down to your toes? We've arrived at Act Three of our show. Usually, Troy liked talking with him. ", "I'm not buying it," my father said sternly. The past is past, the letter-writers gently explain, and I think it was the hardest challenge I had ever been presented with, and probably ever will be: Scoring horrendous acts of violence being committed against a cartoon child and making it as funny as possible, Goldstein told Little Black Book in 2017. ), The second-season finale focusses on Goldstein and his mother, and it makes a lovely coda to the I'll beat them at their own game. The other day, I wanted to play with her again, and her friends were there, and she said, get lost. I look at her as though I've only just then realized who it is I am sitting there talking with. It means that when that guy went home later that night and hanged himself, that's the sound the rope made. No, that's OK. No, it's just that I got it in India when I was there, and it's just this really beautiful thing, and I really treasure it. They were, a lot of them, over 20%. The vinyl upholstery of the bucket seats began to rub off on passengers' hands and thighs in sticky black patches. Heavyweight is hosted and produced by Jonathan Goldstein. Secretly, I hoped my modest expectations might endear me to him even more. Right. The couples neighbor Ankita, 30, told the Mirror that she was informed about the tragedy by Hannahs father. This is what they've learned. I'd watched my father often enough to know that such transactions excited him into what can only be described as a rapture of antagonism. I didn't ask to be born, I thought melodramatically. Maybe he'd close the deal that very day before his mood changed, before I said something that would inadvertently set him off. You look sort of tired. And then you satisfy that craving that they're not even entirely aware of. I remember a time. You're going to be the grade eight Jackie Cohen, and I'm going to be the grade eight Jonathan Goldstein, OK? No, he looks good. "Well, Mr--? The way it taunts as it entices? It's $300, but he's actually paying me to live there forever. So what's going on with you? I was mean to him for the first time. The teacher, finally seeing my condition, send me out to get some water. The furthest she would go in making any kind of concession was in acknowledging that back then, she, quote, "took care of business." Jonathan was born in Boston on March 24, 1947. My heart was running on all cylinders. Here we go. Honestly, I would have laughed and walked away. [17], Goldstein has resided in Montreal, Chicago,[18][19] and New York City,[4] and he now lives in Minneapolis. It was fun, you know? At the end, we hear his mother 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Father of flight attendant urged her not to work before Nepal crash left 70 dead, Nepal to send data recorder from crash to France, Delta flier details panic after 'split second' near-miss at JFK, Co-pilot of doomed Nepal flight lost pilot husband in 2006 plane crash. . John, are you nervous around me right now? And I'll admit, I was one of those girls until the first time they kicked me out of their little group. She'd been there four years, longer than anybody, knew the menu better, gave very quick service, and on the niceness scale, here's the word Troy uses to describe Amy. Listening to it, I was interested and But I've sifted through that trip a dozen times, squinting against the glare of new cars, breathing the icy air of the showroom, and I can't recall my father handing over one of his business cards or filling out a form of any sort. And I'm going to do something that could put my job on the line. You were the dirty-looking new kid. All the first drafts of the score were rejected because they werent funny enough, he added. The bill arrived after a month of silence. "Show's over." And if it's a matter of not wanting to pay more than the factory price-- and who can blame you?-- I'd be happy to contribute the extra $200 myself." These are her first and practically only words to table two. Yeah. He nodded and forged ahead, his stride martial, his shoulders squared. They have a pet rabbit and we both have little ones, she said. playing basketball in high school? moments, he said. I'd never catch on. He accepts multiple insurance plans. 17 (Interviewed by Devon Taylor)", "We Never Got Along: A letter from Jonathan Goldstein, on an old flame", "Judge John Hodgman Episode 160: The French Correction", "Zine Review: a car wash the size of a peach", "Bringing up Baby: Heather O'Neill's debut novel brings magic to a grim inner-city childhood", "Here are nearly 50 podcasts to stream, both local and national, recommended by Twin Cities podcast fans", "Producer Sean Cole relishes the 'beautiful feeling' of performing weddings", bio page, including links to This American Life stories he has produced, This American Life: Hand It Over Stories from Our First Year on the Air, Lies, Sissies, and Fiascoes: The Best of This American Life, Crimebusters + Crossed Wires: Stories from This American Life,, Canadian people of American-Jewish descent, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Canadian National Magazine Awards: Silver Award for Humour (2004), The New York Festivals: Gold World Medal for Best Regularly Scheduled Comedy Program (2006) for, This page was last edited on 13 December 2022, at 14:07. 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